For any issues or suggestions please contact
You can also contact any of the Xfin Core Committee Members, details are given below:
You can also contact any of the Xfin Core Committee Members, details are given below:
Arijit Majumdar (Coordinator) | 9776062460 | |
Mukul Dalmia (Treasurer) | 9776061106 | |
Karishma Prasad | 9777946508 | |
Pratik Pattanayak | | 9937033077 |
Drashti Patel | 7873721346 | |
Ankit Rout | 9438125364 | |
Chandan Raut | 9938061169 | |
Vivek Sharma | 9776049199 | |
Shaiwal Parashar | | 9776057402 |